Saturday, April 9, 2011


People commit crime for selfish reasons. Do you agree with the statement ? justify your view.
            Nowadays , the statistic  of crime in the world is in the rise. ‘crime’ can be defined as doing something that is may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law, ‘selfish’ means we are doing something that only give benefit to yourself without ignore other people, it is agreed that people are commit crime for selfish reasons such as there are doing it for money, revenge, and greedy.
Firstly, people commit crime because their doing it for money, they are not make effort to work or doing something better to get money, but they do crime to get money such as doing robbery, and steal to get money quick, this is because they are influence and controlled under drug and alcohol, they are unconscious  or realize about their action is make other people suffer, there are doing it for their self.
Other than that, people commit crime of they are greedy, people become greedy  because of the way they live, for example maybe they come from upper class people and they are like to shopping, live in luxury living love to buy luxury product, once they are living in that situation, they will try to do anything so that they are always live in comfortable, such as cheat, accept bribes and suppress the lower people , in order to get more money.
Lastly, revenge also another reason why people commit crime for selfish. Nowadays, many people killing, rape, do robbery, cheating and doing things that wrong for the purpose of seeking revenge, for example, defeated in the election, may make the revenge and killing the person who win the election.
In conclusion, people a doing crime only for own benefit without ignore about other people, if we want something, suppose we need to make effort in right way, not by doing something that can make other people or yourself suffer from what are we doing

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