Wednesday, March 2, 2011


WHat is EuTHAnasia??
Euthanasia can be defined as the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human being for his or her alleged benefits,taking the life of a hopelessly ill or injured individual in order to end his or her suffering. Mercy killing represents a serious ethical dilemma. People do not always die well. Some afflictions cause people to suffer through extreme physical pain in their last days, and euthanasia may seem like a compassionate way of ending this pain. Other patients may request euthanasia to avoid the weakness and loss of mental faculties that some diseases cause, and many feel these wishes should be respected.

TYpes of Euthanasia..
      There are three types of euthanasia:
  • PASSIVE EUTHANASIA:refers to a lack of action by medical personnel to prevent the death of their patients.

  •  ASSISTED EUTHANASIA:occurs when medical personnel provide patients with means to take their own lives such as supplying a lethal dose of  drug.

  •  ACTIVE EUTHANASIA :is the most controversial one because the doctors or health workers themselves take active measure to end the patient's life.

Efforts to change government policies on euthanasia in the 20th century have met limited success in western country. Euthanasia policies have also been developed by a variety of Non-government organization's, most notably medical associations and advocacy organizations.In different 

country they have different legal status of euthanasia,for example,in germany, Federal Court of Justice of Germany legalised passive euthanasia with patient consent.

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